Health Forms and Medication
Be Prepared for Acahela
Required Medical Forms
All campers and adult leaders must have a BSA universal Annual Health & Medical Record (#680-001 -2019 printing) which is an annual health history, signed by the Scout and a parent/guardian, and supported by a medical evaluation completed by a licensed physician, within 12 months prior to attending camp. Parts A, B and C of the form must be completed in full and a copy of the individual’s insurance card (front and back) should also be attached with any other pertinent medical information. Only the current version of the BSA medical form will be accepted.
The forms will be kept on file at the Health Office and returned to the Unit at the end of the week. Any adult leaders who are staying overnight must also present a completed medical form upon arrival. Unit leaders are encouraged to collect all medical forms before camp and check them for completeness. Campers and adults who arrive at camp without a properly-completed medical form will be sent home after 24 hours. This policy is strictly enforced.
Parents of Scouts who are required to take medication while at camp should package medication in original bottles and package the medication/bottles in individual bags clearly marked with the Scout’s name and Pack number. Leaders should consult with parents beforehand on medication needs and have them complete the “medications” section of the medical form, being sure to list the specific times and doses. Attach additional instructions if needed. All medication will be collected at the medical check on Sunday and kept and distributed as required through the Health Officer throughout the week.